Performing Solid Waste Management in the Workplace | MENRO Bustos

Performing Solid Waste Management in the Workplace

HOME ENVIRONMENTAL LITERACY Performing Solid Waste Management in the Workplace

UNIT 1: Practicing Proper Solid Waste Identification and Segregation

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At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

  • Discuss the salient features of the Philippine environmental laws and regulations;
  • Explain the concepts of ecological solid waste management; and
  • Determine the different sources of waste.

UNIT II: Practicing Proper Solid Waste Minimization and Disposal Measures

At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

  • Perform proper waste segregation;
  • Observe proper composting practices;
  • Identify wastes for recycling;
  • Manage residual waste with potential for recycling; and
  • Perform proper waste disposal.